Exciting News: Penny Lane Receives a $3.5 Million Workforce Grant

April 29, 2023

$3.5 Million Workforce Grant Awarded to Penny Lane Centers

We are very excited to announce that the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) awarded Penny Lane a $3.5 million grant over the next four years. These workforce programs promote recruitment, expansion, training, and retention of the behavioral health workforce. The aim of the grant is to increase the number of trained behavioral health professionals, improve the quality of behavioral health services, and reduce behavioral health disparities in California. Penny Lane was awarded one of the highest amounts in the state.  All of this grant money will be going back to our staff at Penny Lane which is very exciting. As a result of this grant we are in the early planning stages to be able to provide the following benefits to some our staff at Penny Lane who are providing behavioral healthcare services over the next several years. There will be more information to follow in the coming months on how to apply, who qualifies, etc.

Undergraduate Educational Scholarships:

Provide scholarships of up to $25,000 per individual to undergraduate students in exchange for providing behavioral healthcare services to our Penny Lane clients over a specified period of time. Scholarships can be used for educational and related expenses (for example, housing, transportation, childcare, and books and supplies).

Clinical Master and Doctoral Graduate Education Stipends:

Provide funding for post-graduate clinical master and doctoral education, in exchange behavioral health services at Penny Lane over a specified length of time.  The Grantee would select students in advance or during of their final year of education. The Grantee shall determine the amount they award up to $25,000.  

Loan Repayment Program:

Provide educational loan repayment assistance to behavioral health professionals that the grantee identifies as high priority. The awards will up to $25,000, in exchange for behavioral health services at Penny Lane for a specified period of time.

Recruitment and Retention Activities:

Increase and sustain employment of behavioral health personnel through recruitment and retention bonuses or retention other activities for disciplines the agency identifies as high priority.

We will continue to highlight the success of this grant as our staff are granted scholarship funding! If you have any questions, please reach out to Naomi Novak for more information or how to apply.

-Naomi Novak, Penny Lane Centers

Our First Employee Granted Scholarship Funding: Maritza Flores-Parra

At the start of 2023, the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) started accepting applications for two scholarship programs which many staff members at PLC were eligible for. One was for individuals accepted or enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or undergraduate certificate program for Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers, or Substance Use Disorder Counselors. The other was for individuals enrolled in an accredited graduate or postgraduate degree program for an eligible discipline including psychiatric nursing, social work, and marriage and family therapy. In exchange for a 12-month service obligation practicing and providing direct patient care in an underserved community eligible applicants could receive up to $25,000.

I am proud to share that Maritza Flores-Parra, in the Antelope Valley, applied for and was awarded $25,000. She plans to use the scholarship for student loan repayment. Maritza is currently a Case Manager at Penny Lane and is also completing her MFT traineeship with us. She plans to apply for an Outpatient Therapist position within the next year.

If you are reading this and thinking, “I wish I had applied” it’s not too late. Each of the Regional Directors recently announced that the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) awarded Penny Lane $3.5 million dollars in these same workforce grants over the next four years. These workforce programs promote recruitment, expansion, training, and retention of the behavioral health workforce. Penny Lane was awarded one of the highest amounts in the state.  All this grant money will be going back to our staff at Penny Lane for the purpose of education which is very exciting.

Keep an eye out as we are currently in the early planning stages to provide the following benefits to some of our staff at Penny Lane who are providing behavioral healthcare services over the next several years. In the coming months there will be more information to follow on how to apply, who qualifies, etc. In the meantime, please join me in congratulating Maritza!

Jennifer Lane, Penny Lane Centers