Transitional Housing Placement Program for Non-Minor Dependents (THPP-NMD)

Housing for former foster youth.

The Penny Lane THPP-NMD program provides housing for foster youth who have chosen to stay in foster care past their 18th birthday. The young people in this program are still under the jurisdiction, supervision, and responsibility of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and/or the Department of Probation. Former foster youth to this program are referred through DCFS or Probation to our Intake Specialist for consideration for placement in Penny Lane’s apartments in North Hills or Lancaster. Former foster youth who participate in this housing program are expected to display a medium to high level of independence.

Support for former foster youth in our transitional housing program.

At the age of 21, participants move on to alternative housing options such as THP-Plus or other transitional housing programs with the assistance of their case managers and CSW/DPO. These former foster youth are provided with a range of services such as case management, life skills, mental health services, medical and dental assistance, job placement, and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment.  



Penny Lane Centers Helpline
PL Helpline
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General Inquiries
Edwin Olmedo
Intake and Placement Specialist