Dear Friends,
“So this is Christmas. And what have you done?” Well, it’s a fair question, John Lennon. Exactly what have I done this year? Probably more than I give myself credit for but certainly much less than I intended. I’m guessing that as the year draws to a close, there are several of us in this boat of semi-regret, looking back and thinking of what could have been. As I review the work of Penny Lane and Abbey Road though, I find the answer to the smart Beatle’s question. The fact of the matter is that all of us – together – have many accomplishments to celebrate. We have met the needs of our clients and families in ways big and small: from uniting our community to celebrating the opening of a much-needed housing development, to connecting our community through donation drives.
One moment in particular stands out for me as I reflect on the past year. The opening of the housing development I mentioned earlier, Sun Commons, was an incredible event for the staff, clients, and supporters of Abbey Road and Penny Lane. The entire celebration highlighted the collaboration of several departments, organizations, and agencies, and the shared determination of everyone to bring people home. It was inspiring and encouraging, and I stayed for a long time, happily chatting with the other attendees and marveling at the culmination of so much work by so many people. The crowd dissipated, and as I was leaving, I passed the children’s recreational area. There was one little girl running around the play structure, oblivious to the strangers touring the new building. Presumably in the weeks before Sun Commons was open to its residents, she and her family were struggling to maintain housing. Perhaps they, like so many of our families, had spent many days wondering where they would lay their heads at night. But on this sunny day in North Hollywood, she was doing what all children should get to do: singularly focus on play in the safety and comfort of her home.
The unrestrained joy on her face is my clearest memory of that day, and it perfectly reflects all that you’ve done in supporting our mission, so that more children and more families can experience more moments like that. Our work is not possible without you. As you reflect on what you’ve done this past year and consider what you’ll do in the year ahead, we ask that you consider continuing your support of Penny Lane or Abbey Road so we can accomplish our united mission and welcome more families home.
No doubt we are all keenly aware that Lennon’s iconic song expressed an enduring hope that wars would come to an end. I can’t help but hear his refrain anew this year, especially mindful of the conflicts currently waging around the globe. May we dedicate ourselves to peace as we continue to dedicate ourselves to the service of our clients, families and neighbors, by providing them the shelter and care we wish for all people.
With Deepest Appreciation,
Please go to and hit our donate button, or, if you prefer to send a check, please send it to:
PO Box 2548; Attn: Fund Development; North Hills, CA 91343
When we think of the month of December we often think of the holidays. The chestnuts are roasting, and the dreidels are spinning, and the bells are jingling. For so many of us the month of December is a time to celebrate with family and friends. We get dressed up or chill in pajamas. We gather over feasts, pop champagnes, sing songs, attend religious services, play games, eat, and exchange gifts. Because of how special this month is, I thought it would be nice to take a moment to look at the various holidays that December brings around the globe.
6 billion people around the globe celebrate holidays in December, making it the most popular month for holidays. These 6 billion celebrate in any number of ways, but regardless of the celebration, we can all agree that these celebrations represent the beauty of diversity around the planet. These December holidays are often based on traditions, religion and values that are important to the people who celebrate them.
Here are a few of the holidays that are celebrated in December. Some you know and some may be new to you!
On this day, Thailand celebrates the birthday of its beloved king, Bhumibol Adulyadej. King Bhumibol was born in 1927 and was the king of Thailand between 1950 and 2016.
Bodhi Day is a holiday that celebrates the moment when the Buddha reached enlightenment. It is observed on December 8th in most countries, but some celebrate it on other dates
The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic feast day that celebrates the conception of Jesus Christ by Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is celebrated on December 8th and is one of the most important Catholic holidays
December 13 is a religious holiday in honor of Saint Lucia, the patron saint of light. It is often celebrated with special church services, parades, and cookouts. In some countries, such as Italy and Sweden, it is also a day for celebrating the start of the Christmas season.
Las Posadas is a December holiday celebrated in Mexico and many other Latin American countries. It commemorates the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem. It is celebrated for eight days and nights, usually beginning on the 25th of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar.
The winter solstice is a holiday that celebrates the shortest day of the year. It is observed on December 21st in most countries, but some celebrate it on other dates. The word “solstice” means “sun stands still,” and this name reflects the fact that on the winter solstice, the sun appears to stand still in the sky. After the winter solstice, the days begin to get longer again.
Christmas is a holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated by Christians all around the world and is considered one of the most important holidays of the year.
Boxing Day is a public holiday originally celebrated in the middle-ages in the United Kingdom, today it’s celebrated in many countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia
Kwanzaa is a holiday that celebrates African American culture and heritage. It was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga and is celebrated every year from December 26th to January 1st.
On New Year’s Eve, people around the globe celebrate the coming of the New Year on this last day in the Gregorian calendar.
Omisoka is the last of the December global holidays as the Japanese celebrate it on December 31st. It is a day to celebrate the coming of the New Year, and people typically exchange gifts, eat special foods, and participate in traditional ceremonies
Wherever you are in the world and no matter what you celebrate, we at Penny Lane want to recognize the richness and beauty of the holiday season. Relish in your traditions as you enjoy the time with family and friends and make memories to last a lifetime.
Penny Lane Centers wishes all a glorious December.