“We ride in a state of unity to provide support for those in struggle. We as a Brotherhood ride for the betterment of self, as well as the betterment of those next to us. We are a Family that puts integrity over personality. We are THE GOOD LYFE FAMILY."
The Good LYFE Family is an amazing organization that has helped Penny Lane Centers’ youth and families in the Antelope Valley. Over the years this group has done amazing work by getting donations of toys for the holidays to be distributed to our children and families. But their generosity goes beyond the holidays such as the time they donated school supplies and groceries to a grandmother for her grandkids. Their thoughtfulness and timely donations have touched the hearts of many.
This organization was founded approximately 3 years ago by two members riding motorcycles together. Over time they became closer friends and families. Soon they realized that they had the same vision of doing good for the community and riding motorcycles. After a year of “meet and greets” and overcoming some obstacles they officially became a club on February 12, 2021 and currently have 10 members..
A message from their members “We are honored and blessed to be a part of your organization, by contributing as much as we can for a positive impact to this community. Thank you, for all you guys do for our children in this community and abroad”
We are thankful for their generosity and caring. The community in the Antelope Valley and our children are fortunate to know you.
Join us this August 18th at our Commerce Family Center. You are invited to attend a VIP Event to celebrate and appreciate our donors, staff and community partners who have generously contributed money, time, and/or dedication towards transforming the lives of our children, youth and families. There will be food, beverages, wine and beer, live music and lots of fun...so please RSVP to attend our free event celebrating our community!