Meet Adrienne Khorasanee, President of the Board of Directors at Penny Lane Centers. A caring, compassionate, fierce leader and a fun-loving individual. Adrienne’s affiliation with Penny Lane started as a donor. As she learned more about the programs and services, she became more involved because the mission of Penny Lane resonated with her core values. Adriene has said, “I learned about Penny Lane through my close friend Annick. She invited me to events, and later, I had the privilege to be invited to become a Board Member. I love the mission of Penny Lane, supporting individuals and families that do not have anyone else to turn to. The services dedicated to foster care, adoption, housing, and mental health, to name a few, require our best efforts. We at Penny Lane are supporting people as they become whoever they aspire to be. Everyone deserves a chance, and as a community we need to withstand complacency and neglect. I have been privileged in my life, throughout which I have always had the support of my heroes; my parent, who came from Southeast Asia and availed themselves of the opportunities they were given to make a good life for themselves and for my sister and me. I have a duty to give back to the community, and honestly, as a part of Penny Lane’s board I feel that I have received more than I’ve given. I want the youth to know that they should participate, to raise their voices because progressive change will not happen without their contributions. It doesn’t matter what your background or social status is, your voice is equally valuable.”
Adrienne has been married for 14 years to Timothy, a wonderful dad and husband. She has two children, who are her pride and joy. One of her children, who is on the autism spectrum, often takes her places she would otherwise be afraid to go. She recalls that on a recent family trip she had to battle one of her biggest fears: “the open ocean.” “I am terrified of swimming out past the breakers, but my son loves the water. He wanted surf lessons, so I agreed and put him in a surfing class. My brother-in-law was going to join my son and husband in the surf lesson, but he couldn’t do it at the last moment. I then made the decision to let my fears go, and I got in the water with my son and my husband. This was one of the best decisions I've ever made. My son excelled in the water; he rode the waves like a pro! I had a fabulous time and to be out there to see my son doing so well was one of the greatest joys and memories that I will hold onto for the rest of my life. When raising children, I believe you need to let go of expectations and appreciate who they are and what they will become. My sons both surprise me every day with what they can overcome and accomplish. They both make me a better person with their daily displays of courage and empathy.”
Adrienne learned the value of education and the importance of family from her parents who instilled in her a zest for learning, an abiding social consciousness, and an invaluable work ethic. She credits her family and Burmese culture for helping her become the woman she is today—a successful lawyer, a doting mother, wife, and daughter and one of Penny Lane’s compassionate leaders.