Under the direction of The Department of Health Services,Penny Lane Centers Housing Navigation Program assist individuals who are in search of stability. Housing Navigation (ICMS) Intensive Case Management Services workers are flexible to meet the individual needs of the participant and intensity of services provided are regularly monitored and adjusted based on each client’s level of functioning and acuity of needs. Clients served by PennyLane Centers Housing Navigation/ ICMS Program are required to be patients of DHS (Department of Health Services) must be currently homeless and have either a chronic illness, physical disability or are high utilizers of DHS services. ICMS navigators/ case managers assist individuals at every stage of the housing stabilization process and services may range from highly intensive individualized support to less intense support for activities related to maintaining housing and supportive services. ICMS navigators/ case managers make themselves available to assist with outreach and engagement, intake and assessment, housing rental assistance, linkages to health, mental health, substance use disorder referrals.
All referrals to this program must come from DHS. If you are a current client of DHS, you must be enrolled into ICMS to benefit from this program.
Consider donating directly to our Housing Navigation program and help a family create a home. Every dollar counts.